Green tea Bags
Kashmiri Chilli Powder
Cashew Nut (Premium Quality) W 180 (Big)
Garlic Honey
Control high Blood Pressure, Reduce Cholesterol level
Let us control blood pressure, which is a life-style disease, through a disciplined life, and enjoy the beauty of life.
Directions to use:
1 spoon Garlic Honey mixed with half glass of water. Use once a day.
- No Preservatives
- No Flavor Enhancers
- No Artificial Addictive
Gooseberry Honey
Excellent Source of Vitamin-C
Gooseberry is a gift from nature to prevent over-heating of the Body and maintain coolness. it is also an extremely usable for protecting hair.
Directions to use:
3 spoon honeys mixed with half glass of water at night.
- No preservatives
- No Flavor Enhancers
- No Artificial Addictive.
Pomegranate Honey
High Levels of Iron, Raises Haemoglobin
Pomegranate is High in Phosphorus, Magnesium, Calcium, Zinc Iron and Vitamin C,K & B5.
The presence of a high-level phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, zinc and iron makes pomegranate a life-giving fruit. it is a pity that we do not realise the importance of these ingredients in fighting disease. The red blood corpuscles are the carriers of oxygen in the blood and haemoglobin . plays a key role in enhancing the carrying power of red blood corpuscles. Pomegranate helps to maintain the level of haemoglobin in our blood.
Directions to use:
3 spoon pomegranate honey mixed with half glass of water. use twice a day
- No Preservatives
- No Flavour Enhancers
- No Artificial Addictive