Showing 13–24 of 29 results

Tea Dust

Tea dust is one of the tea grades produced during the production of tea leaves. Tea dust often comes as

Highrange Coffee Beans Roasted

Highrange Black Coffee Powder Roast & Ground Coffee at best prices

Highrange Coffee Powder

Highrange Special Spiced Coffee is a fragrant blend of dark coffee and warm spices. It is very popular in Idukki District

Coffee Powder Chocolate

It’s good for your heart , too. Anti-inflammatory cacao lowers blood pressure , increases HDL (good) cholesterol, and lowers LDL (bad)

Green Tea Premium

Green tea is loaded with antioxidants. Among its benefits, it may help support brain function and fat loss, help reduce

Fried Coffee Beans

Coffee beans are packed with powerful antioxidants, the most abundant being chlorogenic acid, a family of health-promoting polyphenols ( 4

Black Tea Granules

Black Tea Granules is healthy because the instant teas are made from the ingredients that help the body to maintain

Black Coffee Powder (Kappi Podi)

Black coffee also reduces the inflammation level in the body. Black coffee is the powerhouse of antioxidants. Black coffee contains

Spice Coffee Powder

Spice Coffee that Has Many Benefits Turmeric is believed to be able to relieve pain in inflammation, reduce the risk